We are family.

Empyrean Hospice

With Empyrean Hospice, we are family. We are a Christian hospice offering the highest quality clinical care and the love and salvation of Jesus Christ. We are committed to caring for people at end of life with the same level of dedication and compassion we would choose for our own loved ones.

Patient focused. Clinician led. Faith driven.

Ethics and Compliance

We are dedicated to integrity and clinical excellence

Empyrean’s core values provide the guidelines for our policies that support compliance with all federal healthcare program requirements and the highest quality care for the families we serve. Any employee who reports suspected acts of misconduct in good faith are complying with our values and furthering our commitment, purpose, and mission. Any concerns of integrity or ethics that may potentially put our patients, our staff, or our Empyrean Hospice family at risk should be reported.

To report a concern regarding suspected misconduct, contact the Compliance Hotline or email our compliance team at compliance@empyreanhospice.com. Calls may be made anonymously.

Empyrean Hospice will not tolerate retaliation or retribution against anyone who reports suspected misconduct. Reporting “in good faith” means it is a sincere effort to provide honest and accurate information, even if the suspected misconduct is later found to be inaccurate.